
地址: 上海市临港新片区

[产品型号]: LF04020U



[所属分类]: 美国纳斯医学教学模型

[浏览次数]: 939

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KERi™ Complete Nursing Skills Manikin

The KERi™ Nursing Skills Manikin has all the features listed below without being age-specific. Life/form® molding and modeling techniques have given KERi™ an unusually realistic appearance as a woman, or as a man when the wig is removed. Unique visual features reinforce the importance of inspecting patients and noting changes in their appearance. All joints provide maximum lifelike range of motion not found in any other manikin. Life/form® simulations have been included in KERi™ to allow the practice of more than 35 patient care procedures. Perfect manikin for all OBRA required training. Full one-year warranty.

Visual Inspection Features include:
• Decubitus Sacral Ulcer - Stage 1
•Dilated Pupil Comparison
• Cancerous Mole Comparison
•Reddened Skin Folds

Complete Range of Motion include:
• TRUNK - Rotation, Hyperextension
• NECK - Rotation, Hyperextension, Lateral Flexion
• SHOULDER - Abduction, Adduction, Rotation, Hyperextension
• HIP - Abduction, Adduction, Rotation, Hyperextension
• ELBOW - Extension, Flexion, Pronation, Supination
• KNEE - Extension, Flexion
• WRIST - Flexion, Hyperextension, Radial Flexion, Ulnar Flexion
• ANKLE - Eversion, Inversion, Dorsiflexion, Plantarflexion
• FINGERS - Abduction, Adduction, Flexion (soft, lifelike material)
• TOES - Abduction, Adduction, Flexion (soft, lifelike material)

Life/form® Patient Care Simulations includes:
• Urinary Catheterization - Female and Male (Uncircumcised)
• Enema Administration - Female
• Prostate Exam, Stage B - Male
•Pap Smears and Douching
• Ostomy Care - Ileostomy and Colostomy Lavage and Suctioning
• Placement of Nasogastric Tubes
• Oral and Nasal Lavage, Gavage, and Suctioning
• Tracheostomy Care - Lavage and Suctioning
•Intramuscular Injection Sites - Arms, Thigh, Buttock
• Denture Removal - Upper and Lower
• Oral Hygiene
• Eye and Ear Irrigation
• Bed Baths
• Finger & Toe Bandaging - Flexible and Individually Molded
• Hair Care - Washing, Combing
• Bandaging and Wound Dressing
• Clothing Changes
• Patient Positioning and Transfer Techniques
• Hearing Aid Removal and Placement Techniques
• Optional IV Arm Attachment
• Optional Blood Pressure Arm A





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